About us
The members of BVBS Bundesverband Software und Digitalisierung im Bauwesen e.V. are software companies and IT service providers that cover the disciplines within architecture, civil engineering, specialist planning, construction, manufacturing and IT services.
Since the association was founded in September 1993, our members, leading software and IT companies, have been pursuing a common goal: to strengthen the performance and innovative power of the construction industry through the use of construction software.
Der BVBS vertritt die Interessen von über 125 Mitgliedsunternehmen. Planning, building, operating and dismantling — throughout the entire life cycle of a building, the right software helps to work in a structured manner, avoid errors, improve sustainability in the construction industry and meet deadlines and cost targets.

What we do
We bundle the energy of our members to make construction more efficient, create and offer extensive networks to all relevant stakeholders including the political landscape, promote the exchange of information between all market participants and the development of new technologies for the construction industry. We place great emphasis on the development of quality standards and their certification. BVBS regularly develops data standards and data exchange procedures.
We have played a key role in inventing and organising construction trade fairs for the IT sector (BAU Munich and digitalBAU Cologne) digitalBau Colognefor many years. Through our extensive network of market partners, associations, political institutions and specialist bodies, BVBS promotes proactive cooperation between its members and all market participants.
BAU 2025
Die BAU in München ist die Weltleitmesse für Architektur, Materialien und Systeme. Sie fand vom 13. bis 17. Januar 2025 auf dem Gelände der Messe München statt. In Halle C3 präsentierten unter dem Motto „powered by digitalBAU“ führende Anbieter digitale Lösungen für die gesamte Wertschöpfungs- und Prozesskette des Bauens – von der Planung über den Bau bis hin zum Betrieb und die Bewirtschaftung von Gebäuden, Städten und Landschaften.

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